Carrollton Patriot Newspaper

03 May 1946
First Greene County Marriage Performed 125 Years Ago Monday
The first marriage in Greene county occurred 125 years ago next Monday – on May 6, 1821. David Hodges was the groom, and Miss Louisa Wentworth was the bride. Squire John Allen, who held the office of justice of the peace and was also one of the county commissioners, performed the ceremony.

Mr. and Mrs. Hodges are supposed to have established a home on Apple Creek prairie, and Mr. Hodges conducted a store there for several years.
03 May 1946
The first meeting of the county commissioners had been held on May 1, 1821. John Allen represented the central part of Greene county; Jehu Brown lived in what is now Jersey county; and Seymour Kellogg lived in what is now Morgan county. Samuel Lee Jr., was appointed clerk. Besides the oath of office, Lee was sworn to support the “Act to Suppress Dueling.” His bondsmen were Jacob Linder and Thomas Rattan.
13 Dec 1946
Repairing Historic Carrollton Property
The Historic old Pierson house (the Thomas Moore House, if you prefer), one block north of the Greene County National Bank is undergoing repairs. The front porch has been removed and will be replaced by a smaller porch, perhaps a canopy over the door. The north side of the old building has been shored- up and is being repaired.
Neither the time for research, nor the desired information concerning this house is available at the moment, but Curtis Bishop, who is doing the work, need not be surprised of he discovers evidence of an old log house in the north side of the present structure. For the original building on this site was a log cabin. The builder never will be known, with certainty, but we are of the opinion that one Stephen Farrow built the cabin between 1837 and 1839. He acquired title to the site from Lindsey and Revel English in 1837 and sold to David Pierson in 1839. Because of the increase in the amount of consideration in the two deeds we feel that the cabin was built during that time.
David Pierson enlarged the house, using the old log cabin. Many persons still living remember the house in the days when the north fence of the yard was on the line of the south side, there being no street along the north side of the property for years and years. All the land north of the Pierson house was at one time the Wright pasture, and still later, Pierson’s Addition to the city. The addition was laid out about 1891.
Mr. Bishop has also torn down the old barn that stood on the rear of the site for almost 60 years. It is known that Thomas Moore built the barn, and a neatly laid brick foundation, exposed when the barn was down, is further evidence of the work of Mr. Moore.
Stuart E. Pierson was born in the old house, and no doubt “hunted” Indians in the Wright pasture as a little boy. Low and wet, the Wright

Templates in Time