Carrollton Patriot Newspaper

Events in 1911

 7 Eldred state bank opened for business
18 County farmers' institute at Greenfield.
31 Safe blowers fail to enter Kane bank vault
15 Carrollton band begins to toot.
16 Annual Masonic banquet attended by 225.
18 Greene county club of Chicago has second annual banquet.
19 Six inch snow fall: quickly melts.
23 Dr. Samuel Willard relates personal recollections of "deep snow" 1830-31.
24 Banquet served to 300 men and boys as prelude to union revival.
26 Evangilists Hendrick and Carter opened union revival.
 7 City council appropriate $2000 to extend water mains.
15 Rev. I A Engle accepts pastorate Christian Church.
19 Free will offering for evangelists, $1075.
23 Union revival closed, over 100 conversions.
 4 Bluffdale and Roodhouse voted to stay "dry".
 5 Woodmen county convention at Roodhouse.
17 John H. Thomas made chairman county board.
18 Dr. Waggoner elected mayor.
27 Census report 1910 published: county, 22, 363; city, 2323.
 1 Heavy frost, but nothing nipped.
 4 Carrollton band made its "dayboo" in concert.
 6 Patterson school won the Honors at 2-year high school meet, at White Hall.
 7 Order closing postoffice on Sundays went into effect.
11 S L Be??? celebrated 80th birthday.
13 County high school meet held here: Carrollton won literary, Greenfield, athletic.
16 Roodhouse commencement, 8 in class.
18 Greenfield commencement, 11 graduate.
20 Parkerdale dairy barn, near Kane, burns: loss $5000.
20 Rockbridge voted to build $3000 schoolhouse.
30 Memorial day: 18 old soldiers participated
30 Carrollton H S commencement, 26 graduate.
 6 Jacksonville district C E convention met here.
 7 Bankers from 12 counties held convention here, 80 (?) present.
1? Lincoln chantanqua (?) opened here.
22 Pres't Davis, A,J & P asked Carrollton to raise $50,000 to bring interurban.
 4 Safe and sane here.
 4 Many farmers had finished threshing and hauling their wheat; season unusually early, and yield good.
 5 Fourth successive day with temperature 100 or above.
 5 Lightning burns Frank Dowdall’s barn near Providence.
 7 Work of oiling mile of Carrollton Streets begun.
19 Rain broke drouth and relieved corn crop.
 3 County Sunday school convention at Roodhouse.
 7 Near-cyclone at Greenfield; much damage to buildings and crops.
15 Greenfield's 3-days home-coming began; about 500 registered.
17 The J W Rives farm house, Greenfield, burned.
18 M B Ross named at White Hall postmaster.
28 Chas E Clark's barn and silo burned; loss $25,000.
 4 Reception for Green county bar at Congressman Rainey's.
 4 City school opened with 421 enrolled; St. John's parish school, 85.
 4 "Louis" fruit and candy man disappears.
 7 "Floy Bell," raised by Polk Farrelly, breaks world’s 2-year fily record at Kankakee; 2:19 ¼
 7 Bank reports in county show 3 ½ millions deposits.
 8 Postal saving banks opened at postoffice.
18 Methodist conference sends Rev, ? F W Ewart to succeed Rev A K Byrns as local pastor.
24 Rev J F Lackey concludes Presbyterian pastorate.
24 Lightning burns Jeff Barnett’s barn, Walnut grove.
29 Odd Fellows had "homecoming."
 2 Heavy floods, and bottoms farmers gather corn in skiffs.
 7 State Supt Blair addressed county teachers’ meeting here.
13 State convention Kings Daughters closes at Greenfield.
14 Chas Ross, Kampsville marshal, fatally stabbed by Elmer Carter.
18 First aeroplane flight at Greene county fair.
18 First frost in low places.
20 County fair closes; largest attendance on record.
21 Womans Relief corps organized here.
1 Granitoid walk to cemetery completed.
2 Sixteen degrees above zero; thousands of barrels apples caught by sudden freezes at McClay orchard.
8 Corsa? Percheron sale; 6-months colt brings record price $1000.
11 Drop of almost 70 degrees in 12 hours, brings lowest November temperature in 73 years; recalls sudden freeze of 1837.
17 F P Williams, druggist, sold out to English & Lunneen.
18 W A Hubbard elected grand master of Illinois Odd Fellows.
22 Geo W Wright elected president county fair.
29 Masonic temple improvements completed at cost of $2500.
 7 A V Houghton shot and killed Robt Pebbles at Patterson.
 7 County farmers' institute opened here.
14 The Patriot's 17th annual postal reunion.
23 Census report, 1920, shows value Greene county farm lands doubled in ten years.

Lowest Temperature, 2 below zero Jan. 3 and 4.
Highest Temperature, 104 degrees July 2 and 5.

Transcribed by Linda McDowell

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