Portrait of Leonidas Sr. and Emeline (Cotter) Coates about 1902 in Hillview, Illinois
Polley Cotter was born in this Spt 16 18___
William Cotter was born in this Oct 12 18___
Cathrin Cotter was born in this ___ 7 181___
Nancy Cotter was born in this Oct 24 181___
Johanner Cotter was born ___ Jan 24 182___
Rebeckey Cotter was born born ___Jun 8 182___
Beedle Cotter was born ___ Jun 8 182___
Emeline Cotter born Apr ___ 1836 near Whitehall
John Cotter was born the third day of September 1930
William Cotter Sinor Departed this Life December the 8 Day 1827
Cathrine Cotter his wife Departed this Life October the 26 day 1830
Catharine Cotter Daughter of William Cotter and Ana his wife departed
this life the 14th day of July Anno domini 1838
Johanner B. Shaw Died June 2d 1892
Emeline Cotter born April 5th 1836 on Greene Co Ills
Wm Cotter Sr was drowned in the Cumberland River 8th day of December
1827 and lay in the water until the 18th of Dec was found and brought
home on Dec 20th 1827
Morning, March 26, 1929
Start on Hunt for Gold in California Eighty Years Ago
Four Covered Wagons Leave from Patterson on Metal Quest
White Hall, March 25 - Seventy-nine years ago Sunday, March 24, 1850, a
party of four left Patterson in covered wagons for the gold fields of
California. Their going was a year followign the break for California in
1849. The company consisted fo Lee Coates, C. C. Eaton, Alfred Pruitt
and Lee Lakin. Their departure was at the noon hour, amid the
well-wishes of the assembled residents of the community. They landed at
Placirville, Calif., on Aug. 31, five months and one week after
starting, following the Oregon trail via Pike's Peak. From the west bank
of the Mississippi to the destination Coates walked the entire distance,
carrying a single-shot pistol and a single-shot rifle. Pruitt drove the
ox team, the oxen being named Buck and Bride. The party had several
skirmishes with Indians, bear and buffalo, but landed safely. Coates was
the first to return, he remaining two years, and came back on water the
entire distance, except the 28 miles across the Isthmus of Panama. All
returned safely and remained at Patterson to the end of their lives.
Twenty-five years later, March 24, 1865, a Patterson party left for
Idaho in a train of covered wagons and pioneered that state. The party
was headed by W. C. Linder, C. C. Eaton and W. D. Coates, the latter
remaining four years and brought back a quantity of gold, the others
having returned earlier. Coates engaged in the mercantile business at
Patterson on a credit basis and succeeded in losing his wealth in that
manner. A diary of this expedition is in possession of Coates' daughter,
Mrs. Lora Fry, at Patterson.
These facts were brought out as anniversary stuff, the former by Lee
Coates of Hillview, son of the Lee COates of the California expedition,
and the latter by Mrs. Peoria Nell of White Hall, daughter of W. D.
Coates. Lee Coates Jr. is reputed to possess a marvelous collection [of
records] and relics of early [times] in this vicinity, he having a grand
father, William Cotter, of the Revolutionary War.
William Cotter Descendants Chart 7-page pdf
Many try to connect the Greene County Cotters with that of
Catherine Vance and a William Cotter from Virginia. I fretted
and puzzled trying to figure out the connection between our
Emeline Cotter and Catherine Vance. It would have been lovely to
have all that genealogical work done for me back to medieval
Europe, but I just couldn’t make it fit! But then, surprise of
all surprises, my husband’s cousin presented me with the Cotter
family Bible passed down through Emeline! Census records show
that our William Cotter was indeed from VA, so perhaps they were
related to the Vance/Cotters, but I never got past Tennessee!.
Remember that these are notes I made for our family, so my
musings and notes are mixed in amongst the names and dates.
Since there were conflicting dates (aren’t there always?) I
included all my sources as well. I hope you can follow the
thoughts! My color-coding: Yellow highlighted names are our
family ancestors. Blue text means I have a picture or document
on the CD I made for the family. Pink shows a family line that
is related but not in our line of descent.
Submitted 25 Jan 2013 by
Virginia Dyson