Biography - Lodelia Bushnell
MRS. LODELIA, who is now residing on a farm about a half mile south of
Eldred and is widely and favorably known in Greene County, was born in White
Hall, Illinois, on the 26th of August, 1858, her parents being W. W. and
Mary (Morgan) Sutton, both of whom were early settlers of Greene county,
arriving here in March prior to the birth of Mrs. Bushnell. They were
natives of Kentucky and on taking up their abode in Illinois became
residents of White Hall. The father was a cooper by trade and followed that
pursuit for many years, but in his later life lived retired. He died on the
2d of March, 1899, while his wife passed away during the early girlhood of
Mrs. Bushnell, dying about thirty-seven years ago. They were the parents of
the following children: Georgie, who is now the wife of M. N. Price,
formerly a resident of Carrollton, but now living at Zion City, Illinois;
Lucinda, who died when nineteen years of age; Mrs. Bushnell; Mary, the wife
of George A. Jones, of St. Louis; William S., who resides with his sister,
Mrs. Bushnell; and Richard O., who married Miss Mary Stiles, of Greene
county, and is now living in Girard.
Bushnell spent her early girlhood days in her father's home and is a
graduate of the Carrollton high school of the class of 1879. On completing
her course in that institution she began teaching and for three years
followed that profession with good success, at the end of which time she
gave her hand in marriage to William Rutledge Bushnell, a son of Curtis and
Zerilda Bushnell, of Greene county. They were married on the 20th of April,
1882, and began their domestic life upon a farm, Mr. Bushnell devoting his
energies to general agricultural pursuits. He was also the main merchant at
Eldred and acted as station agent at that place. He conducted his store in
the old "stone jug" school house, where Mrs. Bushnell had taught school
prior to her marriage. This historic old building, which was one of the
landmarks of the county, was burned down two years ago. Mr. Bushnell
remained in business in Eldred until his death and was very successful in
the conduct of his different enterprises there. His house in Eldred was
destroyed by fire about twelve years ago and he then removed to Carrollton,
but continued to superintend his business interests in Eldred. In all trade
transactions he was strictly reliable, never taking advantage of the
necessities of his fellow men in any business affair. He was also energetic
and progressive and forming his plans readily he was also determined in
their execution. He continued to reside in Carrollton until his death, which
occurred on the 19th of April, 1894, and was the occasion of deep regret
throughout the community. The funeral services, however, were held at Eldred
and interment was made in the Eldred cemetery.
Unto Mr. and Mrs. Bushnell had been born five children: Lena Mae, who was born in 1883 and is now living in Carrollton; Mary Zerilda, who was born in 1884 and is engaged in teaching school; Loraine, who was born in 1886 and is at home; Benjamin S., who was born in 1889 and is with his mother; and William Rutledge, who was born in 1891 and died at the age of seven months.
Mrs. Bushnell now resides with her children upon a farm about a half mile south of Eldred, where she has a good property and comfortable residence. The care and cultivation which are bestowed upon the farm bring to her a good financial return. She is a member of the Eastern Star at Carrollton and belongs to the Methodist church there, of which Mr. Bushnell was also a member. Like her husband she is held in high esteem by a large circle of friends and the hospitality of many of the best homes of the county seat and of Eldred and other districts of Greene county is cordially extended to her.
Extracted by Norma Hass from Past and Present of Greene County, Illinois, by Ed Miner, published in 1905, pages 628-633.